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The Innovative Environmental Solutions Competition is a Sadara initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources (MIM), the Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu (RCJY), the National Center for Environmental Compliance, King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity (Mawhiba), and the United Nations Global Compact. The competition aims to support and encourage individuals from all sectors to develop innovative ideas and projects that promote environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources.

For 2025, the competition will continue having a strong emphasis on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Saudi Vision 2030 while also focusing on environmental sustainability and resource conservation.

The competition consists of two participation categories:

1- Innovative Solutions Projects

2- Environmental Awareness Videos

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The competition seeks to:

 Identify innovative solutions for conserving natural resources, reducing pollution, and minimizing waste, in alignment with the UN SDGs and Saudi Vision 2030. These include:

•  Natural Resources: Saving water and energy or advancing renewable energy solutions.

•  Pollution and Waste: Reducing, reusing, recycling, recovering, and eliminating negative impacts.

•  Encouraging individual and collective environmental action, including volunteerism and community-driven initiatives.

•  Raising public awareness on environmental challenges and the importance of sustainability.

•  Inspiring active engagement in addressing current and future environmental issues.

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1. Open to individuals, student groups, universities, researchers, and civil society organizations within Saudi Arabia.

2. Applicants must be 16 years or older.

3. Applicants must be residents of Saudi Arabia.

4. Sadara employees and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

5. Entries must focus on solving environmental challenges or raising awareness on topics like energy and water conservation.

6. Entries must be driven by and aligned with at least one of the areas specified below:

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A. ProjectCategory

 •  The project should be practical, applicable, and environmentally relevant.

 •  The idea must be innovative, creative, and original, while respecting intellectual property rights.

 •  The submission should either include pilot applicability proof or a detailed feasibility study.

 Required Submissions:

   • Project proposal (max. five pages, Word file).

   • Presentation (max. five slides, PowerPoint).

   • References & credits (if applicable).

   • Visuals (images, illustrations, and graphics encouraged).

   • An index for any abbreviations used.

B. Video Category

•   The video must convey a clear, impactful message.

•   The participant(s) must create the video independently (no third-party production).

•   The video must be high resolution with good audio quality.

•   Maximum duration: Two minutes.

•   An optional supporting two page MS Word document may be attached to explain objectives and key insights.

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For each category, the top three winners will be recognized and awarded by Sadara.

Winners Awards

Winners in both categories will additionally receive:

   • A certificate of honor.

   • A plaque of appreciation.

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Winners Awards
To participate in the competition Click here

Final date for submission of entries

May 31, 2025

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